How much does weather impact egg laying?

​The decrease in daylight, and colder temps can slow down or stop egg production for stints of time during the winter month. Here are some of the factors that can contribute to watch out for in the cold months, but it is of course unique to each flock.

Temperature: Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can affect egg production. Hens are sensitive to temperature changes, and high temperatures, in particular, can reduce egg laying. Heat stress can lead to decreased feed intake, which in turn affects egg development and laying.

Lighting Conditions: Daylight length influences the reproductive cycle of hens. Shorter days, typically during the winter months, can lead to a decrease in egg production. Artificial lighting is often used to simulate longer daylight hours and maintain consistent egg production throughout the year.

Humidity: High humidity levels can contribute to heat stress in hens, especially in combination with high temperatures. Adequate ventilation is crucial to maintain optimal conditions within the hen house.

Seasonal Changes: Seasonal variations can affect egg production. Winter, with its shorter days and colder temperatures, tends to result in a decline in egg laying. In contrast, spring and summer, with longer days and warmer temperatures, are generally more conducive to increased egg production.

Nutrition: Weather conditions can impact the availability and quality of forage and insects that hens consume. Adverse weather may limit access to natural food sources, affecting the hens' nutrition and subsequently, egg production.

Stress and Comfort: Severe weather events such as storms or extreme cold can stress hens, leading to a temporary decline in egg production. Providing a comfortable and stress-free environment is essential for consistent egg laying.

Disease Risk: Certain weather conditions, such as high humidity, can create an environment conducive to the growth of pathogens. This increased disease risk can impact the health of the hens and, consequently, their egg production.